200 Disk or memory error occurred. Unable to complete this operation.
201 The expiration date for your trial edition has been extended to 30 days from now. You will not be able to extend your trial again.
202 The expiration date for your trial cannot be extended. This is because it has been extended once already, or the trial timer mechanism has been tampered with.
203 Your FotoFinish license file has been tampered with. Your access to FotoFinish and image collections may be impacted. \n Contact SmartDraw.com at (858) 549 0314 for a replacement.
204 You appear to have set your clock back. Your access to FotoFinish will be governed by the latest date on which you have run the program.
205 License not installed!\nInstalling this license requires version %s of FotoFinish or later. You can obtain this version from www.fotofinish.com
206 You cannot run FotoFinish over a network without a network license. \nContact http://www.fotofinish.com for more information.
207 This installation only updates an existing %s license. You may purchase a license online at http://www.fotofinish.com/%s.
208 This update cannot extend your %s license because it would be extended beyond your license's expiration date.
209 You appear to be running the trial version of FotoFinish over a network. To use the full version on a network you must purchase a MULTIPLE USER (NETWORK) license. \nContact http://www.fotofinish.com for more information.
210 Windows was unable to find or load your web browser. \n\nRun it manually and go to URL %s
211 Your license file appears to have been moved to a new drive.\nTo move FotoFinish to a new drive you must install it into an empty folder.
212 Your permission to use FotoFinish has been withdrawn by your system administrator.
213 The number of computers allowed to access FotoFinish under this network license has been exceeded.\nSee your network administrator.
214 The serial number associated with this network license has already been used to increase the number of users, and cannot be used again.
215 You must be running FotoFinish on the server itself to activate and deactivate users.
216 The FotoFinish license file cannot be read.\nIt many be in use or damaged.
217 Activating this user will exceed your limit.\n You must deactivate another user first, or purchase more seats.
218 The number of concurrent users allowed to access FotoFinish under this network license has been exceeded.\nSee your network administrator.
219 The serial number for this installation is not valid.
220 The FotoFinish License file is locked while this dialog is open.\nNo additional users may be added to the network while it is open.
221 There appears to be no license installed for this version of FotoFinish.\nYou may need to re-install the program.
222 The serial number for this installation belongs to a purchase that has been returned and so is no longer valid.
223 You don't have the necessary permissions to use the FotoFinish network licensing system. \nYou must have write permission in the FotoFinish program folder.
224 The authorization code entered is not valid.
225 This product has been returned.\nYour RMA number is \n%s.\nWRITE THIS NUMBER DOWN.\nYou need it to receive any refund.
226 Before you can return this network license you must reduce the number of enabled users by %d.\nDo this by pressing the View Users button in the Licenses dialog.
227 The serial number used by this installation is not authorized and has been disabled. If you believe this to be in error please contact SmartDraw.com at support@smartdraw.com.
228 Sorry, you have used all of your free printing opportunities.\nTo print, please purchase a copy.
51465 You are about to move the file:\n %s\nto the directory:\n %s.\n\nWould you rather Copy it instead? (In the future, you can also copy by holding down the CTRL key while dragging.)
51466 You are about to move these files to the directory:\n %s.\n\nWould you rather Copy them instead? (In the future, you can also copy by holding down the CTRL key while dragging.)
51467 You cannot delete the directory:\n\n'%s'\n\n because it contains items other than image files. If you REALLY would like \nto delete this directory, you can do so from the Windows Explorer.
51468 Original path: %s\nDrag to open album window
51469 Select a folder in which you would like to create a new image location
51470 You cannot create a new directory in:\n '%s'\nbecause the volume is read-only.
51471 You cannot create a new directory in:\n '%s'\nbecause the directory is read-only.
51472 The path you have specified:\n '%s'\nis invalid. Please enter a valid path in which\nto create your new image location.
51473 The path you have specified:\n '%s'\ndoes not exist. Please enter an existing path in which\nto create your new image location.
51474 The path you have specified:\n '%s'\nis not a directory specification. Please enter an existing directory path in which\nto create your new image location.
51475 Disk is full
51476 Empty Album
51477 File or directory already exists
51478 This album cannot be edited because it exists on removable media and changes will not be saved.
51479 This album cannot be edited because the path is read-only and changes will not be saved.
51480 This album cannot be locked for editing right now. \nPerhaps another application currently is editing it.
51481 An error occured locking this album: %s
51482 This was a shortcut to:\n '%s'\n\nWould you like to also delete the original directory?
51555 Currently searching for images on your computer...
51556 Currently searching for images on your local hard drives...
51557 Scanning: %s
51558 Skipping: %s
51559 FotoFinish will now search for your images on your computer.\nThis should only take a minute or two.\n\nThis initial search will only occur once, the first time you run the program.\nIf you wish to search for other images later, you can do so from the File menu.\n\nPress OK to start the search.
51560 Do you really wish to delete your 'My Photos' folder: %s?\n\nNote: This will NOT destroy the images contained within this folder, just the link to your 'My Photos' location.
51561 Get Photos
51562 Get Photos
51563 Select folder that contains your photos
51564 CAMERA
51565 SCAN
51566 Photo
51567 Fine (larger file size)
51568 Normal (file size is smaller)
51569 Compact (smallest file size)
51570 Jpeg (.JPG)
51571 Windows Bitmap (.BMP)
51572 TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) (.TIF)
51573 Portable Network Graphics (.PNG)
51574 Cannot create filepath: %s
51575 Too many images have been saved to this directory with the same file prefix. Either change the prefix of the images to be saved, or their output location.
51576 Cannot load image: %s
51577 Standard Tools
51578 Editing Tools
51579 Wizard
51580 More Settings
51581 Less Settings
51582 More...
51583 Texture...
51584 Gradient...
51585 Color Dropper
51586 None
51587 More
51588 Less
51589 Adjust Exposure
51590 Exposure
51591 Adjust Color
51592 Adjust Color
51593 Adjust Hue
51594 Adjust Hue
51595 Auto Adjust Exposure
51596 Colorize
51597 Colorize Effect
51598 Sepia
51599 Sepia Effect
51600 Speckle
51601 Speckle Effect
51602 Solar Flare
51603 Solarize Effect
51604 Mosaic
51605 Mosaic Effect
51606 Posterize
51607 Posterize Effect
51608 Blur
51609 Blur Effect
51610 Emboss
51611 Emboss Effect
51612 Texturize
51613 Texturize Effect
51614 True Color (24-bit)
51615 Grayscale (8-bit)
51616 256 Colors (8-bit)
51617 16 Colors (4-bit)
51618 2 Colors (1-bit)
51619 Black and White (1-bit)
51620 Black and White
51621 Optimized palette
51622 Windows palette
51623 Netscape palette
51624 Black and White palette
51625 Diffusion (smooth) dither
51626 Pattern (ordered) dither
51627 Closest match (no dither)
51628 Converting from %s to %s, using %s, and %s.
51629 %d x %d pixels
51630 %.2lf x %.2lf inches (at %d DPI)
51631 More
51632 Less
51633 R: %d \nG: %d\nB: %d\n\nindex: %d
51634 Version 3.01 (5/05/04)
51635 To draw with the texture color type, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color, so that you may use this feature?
51636 To draw with the gradient color type, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color, so that you may use this feature?
51637 To set the transparency for painting and selections, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color, so that you may use this feature?
51638 To apply shadows to a selection, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color, so that you may use this feature?
51639 To apply smoothing to a selection, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color, so that you may use this feature?
51640 To perform Redeye reduction using the Redeye tool, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color, so that you may use this feature?
51641 To perform touchup and/or scratch removal using the Touchup tool, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color, so that you may use this feature?
51642 When inverting the colors of this image, the existing color palette will change. Do you still wish to continue?
51643 When inverting the colors of the selection, the colors may not match the current color palette, giving poor results. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51644 When changing the exposure of this image, the existing color palette will change. Do you still wish to continue?
51645 When changing the exposure of the selection, the colors may not match the current color palette, giving poor results. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51646 When adjusting the hue of this image, the existing color palette will change. Do you still wish to continue?
51647 When adjusting the hue of the selection, the colors may not match the current color palette, giving poor results. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51648 When adjusting the color of this image, the image will be converted to true color. Do you still wish to continue?
51649 When adjusting the color of the selection, the colors may not match the current color palette, giving poor results. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51650 When applying the blur effect to this image, you may get better results if you first convert the image to true color. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51651 When applying the colorize effect to this image, the image will be converted to true color. Do you still wish to continue?
51652 When applying the colorize effect to the selection, the colors may not match the current color palette, giving poor results. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51653 When applying the emboss effect to this image, you may get better results if you first convert the image to true color. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51654 When applying the mosaic effect to this image, you may get better results if you first convert the image to true color. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51655 When applying the posterize effect to this image, the existing color palette will change. Do you still wish to continue?
51656 When applying the posterize effect to the selection, the colors may not match the current color palette, giving poor results. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51657 When applying the sepia effect to this image, the image will be converted to true color. Do you still wish to continue?
51658 When applying the sepia effect to the selection, the colors may not match the current color palette, giving poor results. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51659 When applying the solarize effect to this image, the existing color palette will change. Do you still wish to continue?
51660 When applying the solarize effect to the selection, the colors may not match the current color palette, giving poor results. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51661 When applying the speckle effect to this image, you may get better results if you first convert the image to true color. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51662 When applying the texturize effect to this image, you may get better results if you first convert the image to true color. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51663 JPEG - JPEG File Interchange Format (*.JPG)
51664 JPG
51665 GIF - Graphics Interchange Format (*.GIF)
51666 GIF
51667 TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (*.TIF)
51668 TIF
51669 BMP - Windows Bitmap Format (*.BMP)
51670 BMP
51671 PSD - Photoshop 3.0 Format (*.PSD)
51672 PSD
51673 PNG - Portable Network Graphics Format (*.PNG)
51674 PNG
51675 Fine (larger file size)
51676 Normal (file size is smaller)
51677 Compact (smallest file size)
51678 Fine (larger file size)
51679 Normal (file size is smaller)
51680 None
51681 LZW
51682 JPEG
51683 Packbits
51684 RGB
51685 CMYK
51686 Compact (smallest file size)
51687 New image document
51688 JPEG File Interchange Format
51689 GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
51690 TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
51691 BMP - Windows Bitmap Format
51692 PSD - Photoshop 3.0 Format
51693 PNG - Portable Network Graphics Format
51694 The image '%s' has been modified. Do you wish to save it?
51748 There are %d images or locations found in My Albums and Stock Images that match your search criteria.
51749 There are %d images or locations found in My Computer that match your search criteria.
51750 This feature is not yet implemented for Beta 7 Release.\nCheck in the next release to try out this feature.\n\nThanks.
51751 Your Beta version has expired because your system clock has been reset.
51752 This Beta version of FotoFinish has expired.\n\nCheck SmartDraw.com's web site (http://www.smartdraw.com) for a new version.\nThank you.
51753 Expires on %02d/%02d/%04d
51754 Adding %s
51755 Updating %s
51756 %s\nDrag to open album window
51757 Supported Image Files
51758 All Files
51759 You must enter an album name to upload to.
51760 Upload -
51761 E-mail -
51762 E-mail
51763 You must enter your e-mail address and password\nto upload to your FotoFinishNet account.
51764 Error creating data for uploading to FotoFinishNet.\nIf you are currently uploading other images to FotoFinishNet,\nyou must wait for it to complete before attempting to upload\nmore images.
51765 Upload to Web
51766 Currently spooling pages for upload to FotoFinishNet
51776 A MAPI e-mail client has not been detected on your system.\nPlease make sure your e-mail client is properly installed.
51777 Error (%d) creating or sending e-mail
51778 You have exceeded the undo buffer size limits. To adjust the \nmemory used by the undo buffers, from the Edit menu, open \nthe Options dialog and select the Undo tab.\n
51779 Options
51780 Test quick tip/134376
51781 Select new private album storage location
51782 Original size and format
51783 Original size and format (%d x %d - %s)
51784 Dou you wish to search for existing photos on your\nlocal drives? Images found will then be accessible from\na convenient location in FotoFinish's Image Explorer.
51785 Now loading found folders into your 'My Albums' list
51788 Do you wish to replace the current content with\nthis new image, or open it as a new document?\n\nYES = Replace\nNO = Open as Separate Document
51789 There were no images found that matched your search criteria in:\n '%s'
51790 There were %d images found in %d folders that met your search criteria:\n '%s' in:\n '%s'
51791 There were %d images found in %d folders that met your search criteria in:\n '%s'
51792 Folder
51793 Found
51794 A folder with this name already exists in the location:\n\n%s
51795 A folder with this name already exists in the original location:\n\n%s
51796 This folder cannot be renamed because it is locked.
51797 This folder cannot be renamed because the original location is locked.
51798 This folder cannot be renamed because the path is invalid.
51799 This folder cannot be renamed because the original path is invalid.
51800 This folder cannot be renamed because it contains\nother files and/or folders.
51801 This folder cannot be renamed because the original location\ncontains other files and/or folders.
51802 Apply
51803 Effects
51804 Wizard Tools
51805 Actual Size
51806 Actual Image
51807 %.2lf x %.2lf cm.
51808 Actual Size (Inches)
51809 Actual Size (Cm.)
51810 Inches:
51811 Cm:
51812 %.2lf x %.2lf cm. (at %d DPI)
51813 %d x %d x %d-bit\n%.2lf x %.2lf in. @ %d DPI\n%s\nFile size: %ld bytes
51814 %d x %d x %d-bit\n%.2lf x %.2lf cm. @ %d DPI\n%s\nFile size: %ld bytes
51815 %d Colors (%d-bit)
51816 High Color (%d-bit)
51817 True Color (%d-bit)
51818 Select Album
51819 (Example: %s0001.JPG, %s0002.JPG, etc)
51820 Saved File Prefix:
51821 Rename Using Prefix:
51822 There was no media found in Drive %s
51823 Sharpen
51824 Sharpen Effect
51825 When applying the sharpen effect to this image, you may get better results if you first convert the image to true color. Would you like to:\n\n1. Convert the entire image to true color, giving the best results, or\n2. Continue, using the current colors?
51826 Expires in %d more day(s)
51827 Install Date: %B %d, %Y
51828 Updating Photo Albums: (%s)
51829 Initializing Image Explorer...
51830 Error initializing Trial Version information.\nPlease contact SmartDraw.com for techical support (support@SmartDraw.com)
51831 Expires in %d more run(s)
51832 You may run this trial version of FotoFinish %d MORE DAYS, before it expires.
51833 You may run this trial version of FotoFinish %d MORE TIMES, before it expires.
51834 Your trial has ended. To continue to run FotoFinish you must purchase a copy.
51835 Your system clock has been set back. Until you return the clock to the correct time and day the FotoFinish trial will not run.
51836 Your tial version timer appears to have been tampered with and the trial has been terminated. Contact support@SmartDraw.com.
51858 The Stock Images have not been installed on your computer yet. If you wish, you may download them from SmartDraw (approx. 64 mb). This may take quite some time.
51859 Many of the larger decorative publishing templates have not been installed on your computer yet. If you wish, you may download them from SmartDraw (approx. 32 mb). This may take quite some time.
51860 You can use SmartDraw to create your own custom templates for publishing photos. Would you like to try SmartDraw now?
51861 You can use SmartDraw to create your own custom templates for publishing photos. Would you like to run SmartDraw now?
51862 Start SmartDraw
51863 Download
51864 Windows was unable to find or load your web browser. \n\nRun it\nmanually and go to URL %s
51867 Your publishing templates seem to be missing. \nYou may need to re-install FotoFinish
51868 My Images
51869 To find and open photos and other images, simply double-click on the folders in the Image Explorer panel on the left. The My Albums section provides quick access to the folders on your PC that contain images./134810
51870 Double-click on the photo icons in the Image Explorer (or drag them to the work area) to open your images and start working with them./134811
51871 You have opened an Album Window. Albums show thumbnail- sized images of all the images in one folder. You can change the names of the images and add descriptions, by double-clicking on the text labels below each image./134819
51872 You can open an image by double-clicking on its thumbnail or by dragging it to the work area. You can also organize your images into different albums by dragging the thumbnails from one album window to another./134821
51873 You can work on the image you have opened using the Photo Wizard on the right. Click on each number in the tabs for each step in the process./134824
51874 Each step in the Photo Wizard gives you the choice of using a tool to improve your image. You don't have to use every tool. If you think your image does not need one of the tools, simply click on the next number and move on./134855
51875 The Tool Settings Panel provides color, size and other settings for the tools on the toolbar. You can switch between the settings, wizard, and home panels by pressing each tab./134906
51876 This tool selects a portion of your image. Change it's boundaries by dragging on the highlighted squares. You can also move, copy, rotate, and even apply special effects to the selected portion./134876
51877 Select the Text tool and click on the image where you'd like to add text. Enter and format your text in the Enter Text dialog that pops up. The text color will be the same as the Brush/Fill color on the Tool Settings Panel./134926
51878 Draw a shape with a border and fill color. Change the boundaries by dragging on the highlighted squares or move, copy, rotate, and even apply special effects to the shape./1154859
51879 Use the Line tool to draw a straight line by clicking on your image to start the line and unclicking where you want to end it. From the Tool Settings Panel, select the color, thickness, and the endpoint style of your line./134918
51880 Use the Eraser tool to replace an area with the current background color by holding down the mouse and dragging it across an image. You can change the background color and the size and shape of the eraser in the Tool Settings Panel./134924
51881 Use the Pencil tool to create freehand drawings. Simply click on your image and hold down the mouse while drawing. From the Tool Settings Panel, select the color, thickness, and the endpoint style of your line./134920
51882 Use the Paintbrush tool to create freehand drawings. Simply click on your image and hold down the mouse while drawing. From the Tool Settings Panel, select the color, size, and brush shape./134921
51883 Use the Spray Can tool to paint a random scattering of spots. Select the color, shape, and intensity of the spray in the Tool Settings Panel./134922
51884 The Paint Bucket - or Fill - tool allows you to fill areas that are similar in color. Select the fill color and define the exactness of the color match in the Tool Settings Panel. Now click in your image where you'd like to fill./134923
51885 Pressing this button opens the Photo Wizard to the tool that you selected. Look at the wizard panel for instructions on using the tool./134855
51886 There are no installed Twain drivers detected.
51887 This will change your Windows desktop background \nto the current image. Do you wish to proceed?
51891 This version of FotoFinish is damaged or has been tampered with.\n Contact SmartDraw.com at (858) 549 0314 for a replacement.
51892 FotoFinish Trial License
51893 FotoFinish requires your display to be in High or True Color mode to run properly. \n >> Your display currently is running in %d colors. << \n\nPlease change your display's number of colors before running FotoFinish.
51908 When applying the vignette effect to this image, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color, so that you may use this feature?
51909 Windows Metafile Format (*.EMF or *.WMF)
51910 Windows Metafile Format
51911 Untitled - from %s
51912 -- Recently Used --
51913 Create New Folder
51914 Enter new folder name:
51915 This will add the folder %s\nas an album in %s.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
51916 This will add the recently used folder %s\nas an album in %s.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
51917 This will move the album %s\ninto %s.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
51918 This will move the folder %s\ninto %s.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
51919 Currently Open Albums
51920 Exact Match
51921 Close Match
51922 Pretty Good Match
51923 Coarse Match
51924 Exact Match
51925 Close Match
51926 Pretty Good Match
51927 Coarse Match
51928 Custom
51929 To Print Selected Images:\n\n1. Open album window\n2. Select (or shift-select) the images you wish to print\n3. Right-click on the selected images and choose Print...
51930 FotoFinish Clipart Format
51931 Searching for images
51932 Currently searching for images in My Albums...
51933 Currently searching for images in Stock Images...
51934 Initializing...
51935 Updating Image Explorer...
51936 Try It Now
51937 OK
51938 To create a cutout shape, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color, so that you may use this feature?
51939 To apply a border, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color, so that you may use this feature?
51940 The file name or extension is too long
51941 Edit Palette...
51942 Custom
51943 Transparent
51944 - %d color image -
51945 This image currently does not support transparency.\nDo you wish to enable transparency for this image?
51946 Modify Transparency
51947 Enable Transparency
51948 Set To Background Color
51949 Choose Unique Color
51950 Unable to find a unique color in image. Please\nchoose an existing color as the transparent color.
51951 Would you like to convert the transparent color in this image\nto the background color before removing transparency?
51952 The current file format does not support transparency.\nIf you continue, you will need to save the image in\neither PNG or GIF format. Do you wish to continue?
51953 This file format does not support transparency. If you\ncontinue, the transparency information will be lost.\nDo you wish to continue?
51954 Would you like to convert the transparent color in this image\nto the background color before saving?
51955 SPH - FotoFinish Image Format (*.SPH)
51956 SPH
51957 SPH - FotoFinish Image Format
51958 Background
51959 Rename Layer
51960 Enter new layer name:
51961 Are you sure you wish to delete this layer?\n\n[%s]
51962 Layer %d
51963 There is no selection data contained within the selection.
51964 To use layers, the image must be true color. Would you like to convert the image to true color so that you may use this feature?
51965 *.JPG; *.JPEG; *.JFIF
51966 *.GIF
51967 *.TIF; *.TIFF; *.JTIF
51968 *.BMP
51969 *.PSD
51970 *.PNG
51971 *.SPH
51972 The current file format does not support layers.\nIf you continue, you will need to save the image in\nFotoFinish's SPH format to maintain the layers.\nDo you wish to continue?
51973 This file format does not support layers. If you\ncontinue, the layer information will be lost.\nDo you wish to continue?
51974 You cannot have more than %d layers in a document\n(including the background layer)
51975 Warning, applying a filter to the current layer will only affect the base\nlayer image, and not any floating objects on that layer (including floating text).
51976 Warning, rotating the current layer or entire image will not affect\nany floating objects in a layer (including floating text).
51977 Add Color
51978 You must have at least one layer that is visible.
51979 There are no images selected for publishing.\nPlease select at least one image before continuing.
51980 All Currently Open Images
51981 Simple Layouts
51982 Standard Sizes
51983 Design Layouts
51984 My Templates
51985 If you apply a custom shape or border while cropping,\nyou will lose all layer information.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
51986 3 x 5 (wide)
51987 3 x 5 (tall)
51988 5 x 7 (wide)
51989 5 x 7 (tall)
51990 4 x 6 (wide)
51991 4 x 6 (tall)
51992 8 x 10 (wide)
51993 8 x 10 (tall)
51994 Freeform
51995 Add Border...
51996 Modify Border...
51997 You currently have the file:\n\n %s\n\nopen for editing. To rotate the file, you will need to first save the open document.\nWould you like to save it now?
51998 Unable to rotate the file:\n\n %s\n\nThis file type is not supported for rotating.
51999 Unable to rotate the file:\n\n %s\n\nThis file is locked.
52000 Unable to rotate the file:\n\n %s
52001 Rotating file: %s
52002 FotoFinish Designer not found.\nPlease re-install.
52003 FotoFinish Designer is out of date. Click on the 'Update Now' button to check for a FREE update.
52004 Your current version of SmartDraw is incompatible with this version of the SmartDraw Photo plug-in. Click on the 'Upgrade Now' button to upgrade SmartDraw to work with this version of the plug-in.
52005 Update Now
52006 Upgrade Now
52007 You may not delete this layer until you make at least\none other layer visible.
52008 Clear My Albums
52009 Removing from My Albums:
52010 Applying a filter to a floating object will remove the floating object properties so it can no longer be edited.
52011 Applying a filter to a floating text object will remove the text object's properties so it can no longer be edited.
57344 FotoFinish
57345 Ready
57347 %1 in %2
57349 %1 - %2
57600 Create a new image or album\nNew
57601 Open an existing image or album\nOpen
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the current image\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the current image\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57610 Update the client to show any changes to this image\nUpdate
57611 Save a copy of the active document with a new name\nSave Copy
57612 &Update %s Ctrl+S
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57620 Open this document
57621 Open this document
57622 Open this document
57623 Open this document
57624 Open this document
57625 Open this document
57626 Open this document
57627 Open this document
57628 Open this document
57629 Open this document
57630 Open this document
57631 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection or image\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection or image and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection or image and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57639 You must first open an image or\nalbum to use the print feature.
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57645 Are you sure you wish to remove ALL of the albums\nout of your 'My Albums' list?
57646 You must first open an image or\nalbum to use the upload feature.
57647 You must first open an image or\nalbum to use the e-mail feature.
57648 Open another window for the active document\nNew Window
57649 Arrange icons at the bottom of the window\nArrange Icons
57650 Arrange windows so they overlap\nCascade Windows
57651 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57652 Arrange windows as non-overlapping tiles\nTile Windows
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57666 Display the Help File's Table of Contents\nContents
57667 Search for a topic in the help file\nIndex
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents